You can find on this page the Detroit metro map to print and to download in PDF. The Detroit metro map presents the network, zones, stations and different lines of the metro of Detroit in Michigan - USA.
The Detroit metro map shows all the stations and lines of the Detroit metro. This metro map of Detroit will allow you to easily plan your routes in the metro of Detroit in Michigan - USA. The Detroit metro map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.
The Detroit People Mover is an enhanced public transit service which provides transportation that affects not only the image of the city but also plays a role in the attraction of conventions and tourism, businesses and entertainment to downtown Detroit as its mentioned in Metro map Detroit. Media, policy makers and the film industry all have incorporated the People Mover as a positive iconic symbol, one that is not an immobile landmark, but a functioning, utilized transit provider that supports the city. Workers, employers and visitors from across the globe who travel to downtown districts in major metropolitan cities have expectations that would be regarded as "core" or essential: their safety, mobility, access to notable venues and overall experience. The Detroit People Mover contributes positively in every one of those areas, as proven by our inclusion and involvement for years in the role of promoting a positive image of downtown.
The Detroit People Mover (DPM) was built as part of an Urban Mass Transportation Administration (UMTA) - now Federal Transit Administration (FTA) - Demonstration Project as its shown in Metro map Detroit. The intent of that program was to determine (a) how well a fully automated transit system might contribute to the revitalization of Central Business Districts of major older cities, and (b) if such an automated technology could provide effective circulation/distribution service at a cost lower than conventional bus systems. Construction of the DPM system began in the spring of 1983 under the auspices of the Southeastern Michigan Transit Authority (SEMTA) - now the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART). On October 3, 1985, the Detroit Transportation Corporation (DTC) was established to be the agency responsible for completion of the project construction and thereafter assumed full ownership responsibility for the DPM. The DPM system opened to the public on July 31, 1987.
DPM stations are monitored by closed-circuit TV cameras, push-to-talk voice communication equipment and voice monitoring capability. These devices are observed 24 hours per day by Central Control Operators. The Operators have overall responsibility for the coordination of system operation. Their responsibilities include train control and the interface of activities between passengers, transit officers, maintenance staff and/or outside contractors to provide safe and efficient operation of the system. Although the Automated Train Control system is capable of running a variety of vehicle fleet configurations, the Control Operators have override capabilities to cope with unpredictable situations that may occur during normal operation. Maintenance of the DPM system is provided by in-house staffs that are responsible for the guideway, fixed facilities, rolling stock, communications, and miscellaneous test equipment to support system operations as you can see in Metro map Detroit.
The Detroit subway map shows all the stations and lines of the Detroit subway. This subway map of Detroit will allow you to easily plan your routes in the subway of Detroit en Michigan - USA. The Detroit subway map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.
In 1919, a proposal to build a subway and rapid transit system was actually approved by the city council, but vetoed by the mayor. Council tried to override the veto, but it lost by one vote. The idea of a Detroit subway had been hatched as early as 1909, as tens of thousands of pedestrians, horses, streetcars, and automobiles crowded downtown streets as its mentioned in Detroit subway map. In 1915, a very thorough rapid transit report was submitted to the Street Railway Commission. One of the recommendations was to build a subway, but no action was taken. But Detroit population continued to rise, doubling every 10 years, and was on track to hit 1 million by 1920.
A second transit report was submitted in 1917, which included a downtown subway system and a far reaching rapid transit system. The report called for the privately owned DUR (Detroit United Railway), which also operated the streetcars, to run the system as its shown in Detroit subway map. The main problem with the plan was political. For 30 years, Detroit mayors had been trying unsuccessfully to break up the streetcar monopoly through municipal ownership, believing they could run the system better and keep fares more affordable. Mayor James Couzens was a self-made businessman from Canada who considered himself a mobility expert, having worked as a general manager at Ford Motor Company and on the Street Railway Commission. He ran on a platform of municipal ownership of the streetcar system, and was opposed to a transit plan that relied on the DUR as the primary operator.
Despite the warning that purchasing the streetcar system would leave no funds to build a rapid transit system, he pushed forward anyways. After the purchase, it was discovered that the system was in bad need of infrastructure and rolling stock updates (see Detroit subway map). Much of this was due to the city efforts to undermine the system and force its sale. As a result, DUR was hesitant to invest in a system it could lose to the city at any time. Detroit subway plans continued to be studied and proposed almost every decade, including in the 1980s for the People Mover, which was supposed to be part of a much larger regional network that never came to be. While a subway system would be far too cost prohibitive to build today, it would certainly be a useful tool given the level of activity downtown.